After 8 years of playing, writing and being best friends Brant and JT have teamed up with Jen Lowe to Record Nantucket Circle. With Stephen Gause at the Helm of the Recording and Producing we are excited about what is about to be released on June 4th.

"It's easy to make records these days" I hear this all the time. With the fall of the major Label and distribution available to anybody with a computer and garage band the playing field has been leveled. It has to a certain extent, but with all the freedom to create, release and get distribution EVERYBODY can put out a record. This does not make it easy.
BKD has created a record that were proud of. We are excited for you to listen and be moved by the music. This is where it gets tough. We need you. We need any and all of our friends, fans, acquaintances to tell their friends, fans and acquaintances about our new record. Nantucket Circle
If your on twitter come follow us. TWITTER and Like Us on FACEBOOk.

This year it's all coming. Brant, JT and Jen are at a place where our music is going to be heard. Maybe on the Radio, possibly in a Movie, might even be on TV from week to week. We will be playing in places and for people we've never had the opportunity to play for. We will be playing in other countries and people will be singing our songs.
This is exciting.
Thanks to all our friends, our fans our acquaintances our families for supporting us making what we do all that more meaningful.
Big Kettle Drum.