Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Let it begin again

Hey Folks, Brant and JT are on the Road.  We're headed north to Boston.  We have 1 more tune to record for the New EP.  Some Rehearsal time with Jesse and Free then back down to Florida where will Hit Tampa/St Pete and then Club 57 West in Orlando followed by a little drive out to Texas (Dallas) for a superbowl tailgate Party with Natalie Grant, and Phil Stacy. Hosted by Free International  an Anti Human Trafficking organization. We have a few other dates while out there as well.  After Dallas we are headed back to Boston for some Mixing of the new Album.

That's it for now Stay in touch and tell your friends  BKD is arriving!
Brant, JT, Jesse, Free

Sunday, January 2, 2011

2011 it all really begins

Hey Folks in bloggerville, music world and anybody following BIG Kettledrum on Facebook or Twitter. It's the 2nd of the new Year. I am (JT) sitting in my chair on a Sunday night  chomping at the bit to play music with my band.   Brant is home sick! uggg Jesse is in Maui. really gutting out the winter.  Free is home gutting out the winter in Boston.

The new EP is 63% done and we are excited as we can be about it's release.  2011 will hold a lot for BKD.  We are planning some playing in Jan in Boston.  We head back down to Florida in Jan and then out to Texas for some shows prior to the Superbowl.  We are working with a great organization Free International focusing on Human Trafficking in the USA. (over 200,000) Slaves currently in the USA today.  Looking fwd to getting out to Texas and helping the folks at Free International to get the word out. 

So come on board with us.  Tell your friends about us on facebook BigKettledrum  following us on Twitter  The new EP is gonna ROCK in a Folk kind of way.

So thanks for reading and thanks in advance for bringing BKD to the music market in big way.

JT, Brant, Jesse, Free