Rolling into Tampa for our show at Pegasus Lounge was an adventure. An hour into our 3 hr drive we blew a tire on the trailer. No worries we have spare, BAM tire # 2 down. After finding 2 replacements we were back at it. Finding our Hotel was "cake"We head off to the gig in the heart of Tampa, load in is 9pm. We get there and club owner says great your here welcome. You go on at 12:00. We can't load in till the band in front of us is done. 3hrs sitting and waiting for some local acts to finish. We Rocked that little place like it was "the living room" in New York. The few that were witness to it. LOVED it.
That's what we do.
Today we have the Backline Festival with Tonic, Will Hoge and Michael Tolcher. Should be a killer day at Williams Park in St Pete.