Friday, August 17, 2012

A Note From Big Kettle Drum Lead Singer

A note from Brant:

As a father, it hurts to see Theo in pain. As a man, its frustrating to not be able to "fix" the situation and make it better. In the midst of this struggle, when I am down and out, people with the best of intentions want to do anything and everything to "fix" me. Make me better. Take my mind off the situation at hand. They tell me stories, quote me scripture and just want to be a little light in the darkness.

At this moment, I find it so hard to accept it. As much as being an island is not healthy or the "right" thing to do...somehow the loneliness is comforting. As a songwriter, I have to find solace in these moments. A few weeks back, JT came to visit. I told him how I was feeling. I just wanted to be left alone and let me be sad. I needed to mourn the upcoming process. He played this beautiful riff on the guitar. I started to write exactly what I was feeling. This is what came out...

Please feel free to download the song here:

 Listen to it and know that my heart is softening and the love and prayers from all of you are the reason why.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you. That was a beautiful riff. Am praying for your Son...mine's real sick too. As a pastor's wife I didn't used to say "Sucks". Now I do.
